Irish potato cultivation and its benefits

In Tanzania, round potatoes (
Solanum tuberosum ) have many names, some call them European potatoes meaning they are of European origin (English: Irish Potato) and others call them potatoes .   

Round potato cultivation is important for food security, improving nutrition, employment and increasing income in Tanzania.

Potatoes are among the ten main food crops in Tanzania, and are the third crop after maize and rice in terms of production. A large amount of round potatoes is produced in the highlands region in the south which includes the regions of; Njombe, Mbeya, Songwe and Iringa.

A total of 337,803 tons of round potatoes were produced in the country in 2018/19, of which, 282,404 tons (83%) came from the Southern Highlands (Ministry of Agriculture, 2019).

Mbeya region is the leader in the production of round potatoes in the country with 49.8%, followed by Njombe 19%, Iringa 10.8% and Songwe 3.9% in the 2018/19 crop season.

For the highlands in the south and north of Tanzania, the yield of round potatoes is high compared to other food crops such as maize.

Round potatoes can be grown 3 times a year every 3-4 months compared to the maize crop which takes 10-12 months in some areas.

Ecological requirements


Round potato cultivation requires light, sandy, or loamy soil that does not drain water. The soil should be able to pass air easily and make the potatoes expand and grow well. But also be fertile enough. Heavy soil (clay) is not good because it does not allow the roots to grow and the potatoes to expand, thus causing the potatoes to have deformed shapes.

Soil fertility should be between pH 5 and 6.5 to facilitate the availability and use of plant nutrients. Soil with less than Ph 5 should be modified by applying calcium carbonate at the rate of 400 Kg per acre.

Attention:  Every time you harvest a crop, there is an amount of nutrients lost (from the soil), so it is important to measure and know the health of the soil of your farm. The results of soil studies are the guide for the amount and type of fertilizer required.

  • Altitude and Temperature

Round potatoes grow very well in areas with an altitude between 1700 and 3000 meters above sea level. And this is why the leading areas for the production of round potatoes here in Tanzania are those in the highlands.

This crop requires cold weather and can be called a winter crop. The most suitable temperature is from 10 degrees Celsius to 26 degrees Celsius.

For example, the Southern Highlands in the Iringa, Njombe, Mbeya, Songwe and Rukwa regions. The regions of Manyara, Arusha, Tanga, Kilimanjaro and Mara are also in the north. And some places in Morogoro.

  • Rain

Zao la viazi mviringo linahitaji mvua kiasi cha milimita 900 mpaka 1400 kwa kipindi cha miezi mitatu ili vistawi vizuri. Hata hivyo mvua ya wastani wa milimita 450 katika kipindi chote cha uzalishaji inaweza kustawisha viazi mviringo.

Uchaguzi wa shamba

Shamba la kupanda viazi mviringo linatakiwa lisiwe limepandwa viazi mviringo au mazao jamii ya viazi kwa kipindi cha msimu msimu mmoja (kwa viazi vya chakula) na angalau miaka mitatu iliyopita (kwa viazi vya mbegu).

Mazao jami ya viazi (Solanaceous crops) ni kama; nyanya, biringanya, pilipili hoho, mnavu, nyanya chungu, n.k. Mazao haya hushambuliwa na magonjwa na wadudu wale wale wanashambulia viazi mviringo. Hivyo kupanda viazi mviringo kwenye shamba lililovunwa mazao jamii ya viazi kutapelekea kuzaliana zaidi kwa vimelea vya magonjwa hayo.

Mfano; ugonjwa wa bakteria mnyauko (bacterial wilt) huathiri sana mazao jamii ya viazi kwa hivyo yanachangia magonjwa kwenye viazi mviringo vikipandwa kwa kurudia kwenye shamba moja au kwa misimu iliyofuatana na mazao jamii ya viazi.

Shamba kwa ajili ya kilimo cha viazi mviringo linatakiwa lisafishwe mapema, kabla ya mvua kunyesha na kulingana na ukanda na hali ya hewa ya eneo husika. Baada ya kusafisha shamba kinachofuata ni kukatua (ploughing) na kupiga halo (harrowing). Shamba likatuliwe kwa kina cha sentimeta 30 mpaka 45 sawa na futi moja mpaka moja na nusu (rula 1 – 1.5).

Lengo la kukatua ni kuchanganya udongo, kuchimbua magugu, kufanya udongo upitishe maji na hewa kirahisi na kuchanganya mabaki ya mazao ya msimu uliopita na udongo.

Lengo la kupiga halo (harrow) ni kuvunja-vunja mabonge ya udongo hivyo kufanya udongo kuwa laini na kukatakata magugu magugu yaliyolichimbuliwa shambani.

Uchaguzi wa mbegu bora

Aina za Mbegu za Viazi Mviringo

Kuna aina nyingi za viazi mviringo nchini Tanzania. Baadhi ya mbegu za viazi mviringo zilizotolewa rasmi kulingana na utafiti na kuandikishwa kwa matumizi nchini Tanzania ni SherekeaAsanteMeruTengeruSagittaRumba na Jelly.

Kilimo bora cha viazi mviringo kinaanza na matumizi ya mbegu bora. Tunashauri uchague aina ya mbegu inayotoa mavuno mengi na inayovumilia magonjwa, wadudu na ukame.

Aina tofauti za viazi mviringo zina matumizi tofauti kwenye masoko ya mijini na vijijini. Chagua mbegu kulingana na madhumuni ya mazao yatakayovunwa, kwa mfano kusindika, mbegu, chakula na kadhalika.

Mbegu bora za viazi mviringo zinatakiwa ziwe na sifa zifuatazo:

  • Aina inayotambulika na isiyochanganyika na aina nyingine
  • Isiyokuwa na michubuko, kidonda, magonjwa au wadudu wa aina yoyote
  • Iwe imepitia hatua zote za uzalishaji mbegu bora
  • Iwe na ukubwa wa wastani unaolingana na ukubwa wa yai la kuku (milimeta 35)
  • Which give more yield from one stem
  • Come from a variety that is not attacked by diseases such as mold and mildew
  • It should be well sprouted and have more than four healthy buds.
  • Choose a seed with a size of 35 to 45 millimeters (the size of an egg). This will produce well-proportioned round potatoes; large, medium and small when mature.
  • The round potato seed should be pre-sprouted early so that it germinates early and at the same time avoids the possibility of being attacked by diseases and insects.

For a seed size of 35-45 mm, you will need 800 to 1000 kg per acre. The farmer will use 1200 kilos if the seeds are 45 to 55 millimeters in size. If the farmer uses seeds less than 35 millimeters in size, he will use 400 to 600 kilos or 4 to 6 sacks per acre.

The season for planting round potatoes varies from place to place. We recommend that you start planting when there is sufficient moisture. The effects of planting during drought are: loss of nutrients in fertilizers, especially nitrogen, potatoes lose water, wither and fail to germinate, potatoes are attacked by diseases and pests before germination.

This leads to poor germination and ultimately low production. Potatoes can be planted even when there is a lack of rain in an environment where there is little rain, but it is necessary for the farmer to make efforts to irrigate.

There are two main ways to grow round potatoes. These methods are climbing  the ridges  and climbing  the sesa . For good production of round potatoes, we recommend using the ridge method.

A good harvest of round potatoes is due to the use of good farming methods such as;

  • Using quality and fresh seeds (without diseases), and aged 3 to 5 months.
  • Be careful when riding and use the recommended positions,
  • Weeding and ridge placement during planting and raising ridges later during weeding.
  • The use of fertilizers according to the measurements recommended according to the measurements of the soil of the relevant area.

It is good for farmers to participate in collaborative experiments so that they can learn how to do potato planting activities.

Planting space depends on the type of seed, the purpose of the harvest, the condition of the soil and the tools used for planting. The space to plant food potatoes is SM 75 to 80 to SM 30. The depth of the hole is SM 10 to 15. The space to plant seed potatoes is SM 60 to 75 to SM 20 to 25. The depth of the hole is SM 10 to 15.                                                  

Fertilizers for planting round potatoes

Fertilizers for planting round potatoes are DAP, TSP and/or Minjingu phosphate. For the round potato crop, we suggest you use 100 Kg (up to 150) of DAP per acre. This fertilizer should be placed at the rate of 5 to 10 grams per hole and then covered with a little soil to avoid the seeds coming into direct contact with the fertilizer.

However, you can mix planting and growing fertilizer and then apply both at planting time. If you do that, then mix Yara Mila Winner 100 Kg with 50 Kg of DAP per acre. OR mix 100 Kg of TSP (or DAP) and 100 Kg of CAN and then put them together.

This is because studies do not show differences in productivity if these fertilizers are applied at different times or if they are all applied during planting.

Weed control

Weeding with a Hand Plow

Weeds are usually removed to prevent competition with the crop for water, light, nutrients and space that lead to reduced yields.

The round potato crop should be weeded from  3 to 4 weeks  after planting (or  1 to 2 weeks after germination ) depending on the weather or when weeds appear.

A hand hoe is suitable for weeding as it can remove all types of weeds. This weeding should be done before the round potatoes start to "lay", avoid cutting the small potatoes that expand.

The ridges should be made immediately after planting and when the farmer does the first weeding he should add soil and make big ridges 4-5 weeks after germination.

  • The ridges prevent the round potatoes from being hit by sunlight and have a green color,
  • The ridges prevent potatoes from being attacked by the potato moth and
  • The ridges help reduce brown spots caused by excessive heat in the soil.


Professionally planted round potatoes cover the entire area and prevent weed germination especially six weeks after planting. If they are planted on the ridges, the important issue is to remove the weeds and move the soil to the stems.

Before planting potatoes:  Herbicides used before planting are Paraquat and Glyphosate, for example: Gramaxone, and Round up. These herbicides should be applied when the weeds are green and not when they are dry. And the purpose of using these herbicides is to clean the field because they kill all types of weeds in the field even if there are crops (all will die).

After planting potatoes:

Before potatoes sprout:  you can use herbicides to prevent weeds from sprouting such as: Pendimethalin and Acetoclor; OR herbicides to kill all types of weeds (if weeds have ever grown) such as: glyphosate and paraquat.

After the potatoes germinate:  you can use herbicides that will kill only the weeds and leave the potatoes safe. They are the ones that kill weeds (grass, poaceae family) for example; Fusillade forte.

Attention:  The farmer should use good principles such as reading the packaging on how to use these pesticides, using the recommended measurements and using protective equipment when using these pesticides.

Industrial fertilizers

Fertilizers for growing round potatoes are those that provide nutrients that stimulate the growth rate of round potatoes to reach reproduction and are those that contain nitrogen (N) nutrients. Among the many growth fertilizers are such as; Urea, Amidas, CAN, NPK, Yara Mila Winner, etc

For growing round potatoes, use 100 Kg of NPK (17:17:17) (or Yara Mila Winner, or CAN) per acre. And this fertilizer should be placed four weeks after the potatoes germinate.

We advise the farmer to use Muriate of Potash (MOP) if the soil has a low level of potassium nutrients. Root crops use more Potassium (K) than Nitrogen (N) and Phosphorus (P), so it is important to use at least 20 kg of Potassium per acre.

It is not appropriate to use nitrogen fertilizers (i.e. Urea, CAN, Amidas) more than the recommended amount because it causes the round potato leaves to become large and the potatoes to become small.

Note:  Make sure you use the right amount of fertilizer. And the right way to know the deficiency of nutrients in the soil is to test your soil. Measure the soil!                                                                                              

Natural fertilizers

  1. Manure:  This fertilizer comes from the remains of the animals we raise in the palaces; such as cows, goats, sheep, chickens, pigs, horses, etc. These residues include feces, urine, bedding and feed residues. For areas where manure is available, the use of 10 tons of well-rotted manure per acre will help the good production of round potatoes and other crops that will follow in the crop rotation.

Natural fertilizers have less nutrients compared to industrial fertilizers so you need more tons per acre to achieve the desired level.

  1. Compost:  Compost is made using a mixture of plant residues, fallen branches, weeds, ashes and other household waste. If possible, add manure in small amounts during composting. If you need to learn more about compost, read the article I linked here.

Note:  The best manure and compost is the one that has been properly fertilized and stored in the shade. Do not use plastic or metal scraps to make compost.

Round potato moth

Round potato moths attack potatoes from the field and in the warehouse. They are more common in warm, dry and hilly areas.

The caterpillars of the round potato moth pierce the tip of the plant to the stem, leaves, pods and the potatoes themselves, especially during drought.

The major damage caused by the moth is holes or holes in the potatoes that cause fungal and bacterial attacks and cause the potatoes to rot.

Using natural methods

  • Rise in time; Moths mostly affect round potatoes planted during the off-season. Plant round potatoes in season and at the recommended depth, of more than 3 cm as moth caterpillars cannot dig deep.
  • Make ridges as the potatoes grow and cover the potatoes with soil. The ridges help prevent moths from laying eggs on the round potatoes. When the maggots are hatched, they enter the round potatoes and cause them to rot and they also stay inside the round potatoes stored in the barn.
  • Farm cleanliness; burn round potatoes that are not suitable for use, remove alternative plants and round potato weeds.
  • Alternative pesticide; the use of plants that repel insects, for  exampleLantana Camara  helps especially the round potatoes stored in the barn.
  • Remove the round potatoes quickly after harvesting. Harvested round potatoes should be removed quickly to avoid moths from laying eggs on them.

Spray insecticides such as Karate 5EC, Karate 5CS, and Match 050EC. Moths lay their eggs when the plant is in flower, so it is best to apply pesticides at that time.

Wadudu Mafuta [Vidukari: Aphids]

The oil bug is the most destructive insect among the insects that spread diseases in the potato crop. Winged insects fly long distances with the help of the wind. They attack leaves, flowers, stems and buds.

They usually cause injury to the plant, especially those that spread viral disease. They absorb plant sap, weaken it and infect viral diseases. Groups (colonies) of them can be easily identified on the tip of the plants and under the leaves.

Control methods

  • Plant fresh seeds.
  • Store friendly insects are important in the control of oil traps/insects.
  • Inspect the field regularly.
  • Choose production areas with low temperatures, sufficient rainfall and strong winds. These areas tend to have fewer oil/mouse insects.
  • Within the potato production area, direct the field when there is wind, starting from commercial fields and with other crops in the potato community to reduce the spread of the virus through oil insects that carry the virus.
  • Prevent young plants from being attacked by mildew. Viruses that appear at the beginning of the season for young plants become a source of infection for other plants in the season.
  • Harvest potato seeds 8 to 10 days after being attacked by insects or if virus infection appears, avoid infection because viruses need time to attack potatoes.
  • Remove all yellow-flowered weeds that attract weevils and other plants that carry insects in and around the field.
  • Protect the round potatoes during storage by preventing them from getting moldy.
  • Destroy plants affected by diseases.
  • Neem products are useful in reducing the amount of blight on round potatoes.
  • Artemisia vulgaris weed products have been found to be toxic to kill mosquitoes (Metspalu and Hiiesar, 1994).
  • Use pesticides like Actara 25WG, Match 050EC, Dyanamec 018EC and Karate 5SC as soon as you see insects.

White flies

These are insects that are usually seen under the leaves of the plant sucking the sap. They spread viral diseases such as potato round virus X (PVX), potato round leaf curl virus (PLRV), potato round virus Y (PVY), potato round virus A (PVA) and potato round virus S (PVS ). Destroy these insects using insecticides such as Actara 25WG, Karate 5EC.

Sota [Caterpillars: Cutworms]

These insects live under the soil near the plants where they walk and cut the stems at the soil level as soon as they emerge, especially during the summer.

Weevils/caterpillars eat round potato leaves and cause wounds that allow pathogens such as bacteria that cause rotting diseases. Round potato stems are wound below or above soil level.

Sota maggots/caterpillars eat plant leaves and enter the ground and later become butterflies. They are controlled by spraying contact and penetrating insecticides such as Karate 5EC and Match 050EC as soon as signs of damage appear.

White grubs –  Phyllophaga spp

Mafeng'enesi is a worm of an insect called Beetle (June beetle, May beetle, and Japanese beetle). These insects attack the seedlings and cut them, they also attack the potatoes themselves, they cut them and chew them, thus damaging the quality and reducing the yield. These maggots appear in fields with dry crop residues and remain in the field for a long time.

Ways to control fungi

Natural ways

  • Harvest early to avoid damage in round potatoes.
  • Preventing and removing weeds to reduce egg-laying. Early deep plowing and overturning the soil to bring insects to the surface, because the sun, birds and other insects attack and eat them.
  • Use friendly insects like wasps (parasitic wasps) and pyrgotic flies.
  • Avoid planting round potatoes in a field attacked by fungi last season.

Using pesticides

It is very difficult to destroy these insects because they go under the soil one meter. Use Karate 5EC and Karate 5CS to stop them, shoot around the trunk under the soil, kill the larvae and destroy the beetles that will lay the eggs. The combination of all these methods brings the best results.

Advertise [Tomato moth:  Tuta absoluta ]

Kantangaze is a destructive insect that attacks round potatoes and other crops such as tomatoes, green peppers, eggplants, etc. Kantangaze can spread by using the affected seed, from plant to plant, the residues in the field can also affect new crops when they are planted.

Control methods

  • Use undamaged seed.
  • Use crop rotation with crops that are not of the round potato category.
  • Pay attention to the cleanliness of the field by burning all the remains of crops and weeds that can harbor this insect.
  • Use chemicals such as Match 050EC, Dynamec 018EC, Belt plus Imidac, Abamectin and neem, (Azadracta indica) as soon as you see the signs of this insect's infestation by seeing the stripes of leaf scraping.

Dangerous diseases of potato round

Bakajani Chelewa [Late blight: Phytophthora infestans]

Potato late blight, caused by a fungus-like organism, is a constant threat wherever potatoes are grown. The entire field (100%) can be cleared in a short time if you don't control it. The selection of fresh, healthy and certified seed is important. Also remove root residues from last season's crops.

Symptoms of Disease

This disease is more visible in the leaves, stems as well as the potatoes themselves. On the stem, the attacks are more visible if the potatoes are planted in humid months with a lot of rain. Temperature between 10 0 C and 25 0 C and a lot of rain or dew makes this disease happen easily.

The disease spreads rapidly and kills large numbers of leaves during cloudy, cold and wet weather. A white mold appears on the underside of the infested leaves. Dark brown or purple streaks appear on the edges, petioles or tips of lower leaves. The entire plant may die in a few days.

Ways to control late blight

  1. Remove all the leaves from the plants and smoke or burn them.
  2. Plant a seed with resistance to late blight.
  3. Avoid planting areas with disease problems that are wet for a long time or that are difficult to spray.
  4. Avoid watering too much in the evenings.
  5. Remove the remaining potato round. It can become a source of disease the following season.
  6. Inspect the field regularly; especially low wet areas, around trees, in the middle of the field and other areas.
  7. Continue to spray the fungicides on the leaves according to the schedule.
  8. Once late blight appears, only fungicides can control the disease

Control by means of disinfectants and natural methods

Control by means of pesticides

The use of fungicides (fungicides) that treat the fungus is necessary once the plant has germinated. Recommended are Ridomil, Dithane 45, Bravo, Funguran, Milraz. Realize that the moment you see the symptoms of the disease with your eyes, it is the period when the disease has already attacked your crop from the inside, so it is too late to control it.

It is important to have the correct schedule of spraying poisons to prevent and treat fungal diseases every week but (by) depending on the weather to protect and promote the health and vitality of your crop.

Example:  To prevent fungal disease use  Ridomil . Mix 100 grams of this pesticide with 20 liters of water and spray after every two or three weeks depending on the weather.

If it is  Karate ; spray 20 to 40 milliliters of insecticide in 20 liters of water to prevent insects such as whiteflies and others.

Always use protective equipment when using pesticides and insecticides.

How to control by natural means

  • Use good agricultural practices such as field hygiene and crop rotation. Do not plant round potatoes in the same place every season or when crops such as tomatoes, eggplants and all kinds of peppers and bitter tomatoes are grown.
  • Pay attention to the watering schedule (avoid watering late in the evening). Use the correct planting position to reduce the chance of the plants being wet for too long and in contact with the soil, thus reducing the spread of diseases.
  • Avoid working in the field when plants are wet.

Note:  It is better to spray fungicides before seeing the symptoms of the disease. It is difficult to avoid the use of pesticides because there is a risk of losing the whole crop. Many fungal toxins are used as preventatives. Some work by entering the plant, while others are on the surface of the leaves, with the aim of preventing the development of the disease.

Bakajani Wahi (Early Blight)

Bakajani wahi attacks the leaves and stems of round potatoes and makes the affected areas dry and soil-colored like a circle.

Ways to control Bakajani Wahi

These methods are similar to those used to control late blight.

Note:  Antibiotics with active ingredients such as Metalaxyl, Mandopro-mid Difenaconazole have the ability to treat the problem. Example Ridomil Gold 68 WG MZ, Revus Top 250 CS and Score 250 EC.

Antibiotics to prevent this disease contain active ingredients like Chlorothalonil, Mancozeb, Azoxystrobin, Mandipro-pamid Difenaconazole.

Example:  Ortiva 250 CS, Daconil 720 CS, Score 250 EC, Revus Top 250 SC and Ridomil Gold 68 WG MZ. Spray fungicides regularly.

Use of participatory methods (IPM)

This involves a combination of different techniques such as:

  • Use of seeds with disease resistance.
  • Less use of pesticides.
  • Farm cleanliness; removal of residues from the field after harvesting as well as uprooting weeds that appear in the field between seasons.
  • Removing diseased potatoes during harvest and in storage.
  • To prevent the attacks of round potatoes while in the field by making ridges.
  • Cut the leaves two or three weeks before harvesting.

Bacterial Wilt / Downy mildew

This disease is caused by a parasite called Ralstonia solanacearum. The parasite lives in the affected seeds and soil. Wilt spreads through infected potato, pathogens remaining in the soil, flooding or irrigation water, agricultural tools (plough or potato storage box).

Symptoms of Disease

In the early stages, when the disease begins, the leaves and stems wilt during the day, even if there is sufficient moisture in the soil. As the disease progresses, and the withering continues. At the advanced stage of the disease, the bacterial spores come out through the eyes of the potato and enter the soil.

Ways to control Bacterial Wilt

Participatory approach (IPM)

Participatory methods used include:

  • Crop rotation by planting crops that are not round potatoes
  • Weeding on time
  • Remove the round potatoes before planting
  • Cultivation at the recommended depth to destroy bacterial pathogens
  • Using seeds that are free of diseases, observing cleanliness and protecting the warehouse and containers for storing seeds by burning the crop residues after harvesting.


Avoid transporting round potatoes from an area infected with Bacterial Wilt to an area that is not infected. Also to control roundworms ( Melodogyne incognita ) and their interactions with wilt bacteria ( R. solanacearum ).

Roundworms cause wounds on the roots of potatoes and facilitate the entry of bacteria. Roundworms should be controlled by spraying insecticides such as Actara 25WG on moist soil around the round potato stem.

Viral diseases

Symptoms of viral diseases appear on all types of round potatoes. Viral diseases are spread through insects such as oil beetles, thrips, chiriku and whiteflies and also by infected seeds.

Plants affected by viral diseases produce small round potatoes that are not suitable for use as seeds. Prevent and kill virus-spreading insects when you see them in your farm using insecticides like Actara 25WG, Karate 5EC, Karate 5CS, Dynamec 018EC and Match 050EC.

Ways to control viruses

  • Use of resistant seeds
  • Disease-free seeds
  • Uproot and burn affected plants
  • Use of pesticides to control insects that spread viral diseases

Harvesting of round potatoes

Time to harvest

Most types of round potatoes grown in Tanzania mature between 90 and 120 days after planting. So you need to inspect the field before harvesting to make sure if the potatoes are ripe.

Symptoms of ripe round potatoes:

  1. The leaves turn yellow and begin to dry or die completely.
  2. And if you dig, then the skin of the potato is hard and cannot be removed easily when rubbed with fingers
  3. And it is easy to separate the potatoes from the roots. If you see this, then the potatoes are ripe and can be harvested and used.

Yield amount

The yield of round potatoes per acre is between 8 and 10 tons on a farm maintained by following the procedures we described or other good agricultural principles that are required by your environment.

However, the yield will vary depending on the type of seed you use.

How to harvest Round Potatoes

Preparation for Harvesting

As you approach harvest time, do the following:

  • Stop watering about a month before harvest time.
  • Cut all potato stems in the field 10 centimeters from the ground level. Or spraying herbicides to kill round potato stems. Do this 2 to 3 weeks before the harvest date.
  • The aim of doing this is to prevent the transmission of viral and fungal diseases. And let the potato skin ripen well.
  • Prepare the harvesting system and equipment. This includes shovels, hoes, bags/bins and sewing thread.
  • Arrange transport and/or customer if selling in the field.

Harvest round potatoes in a dry, unripe field.

Round potatoes are harvested by digging up the "roots" on the ridges where they were planted. If the field is fresh, after harvesting the potatoes should be left in the field for at least one day to dry before putting them in boxes or bags for transportation or storage.

Care must be taken when digging to make sure the "roots", which are your potatoes, are not damaged (bruised or cut) in any way to protect their quality.

Damaged round potatoes (i.e. with lesions) rot very easily, making them unsuitable for storage for future use. But also bruised or ulcerated potatoes do not have a market, thus remaining as a loss for the farmer.

Potatoes that can be stored for a long time; They should be kept in the shade or in a cool place (temperature between 7 0 C and 15 0 C) and without moisture for two weeks.

This will help the round potatoes to " recover " from scratches or minor injuries received during harvesting and transportation. This " recovery " will help increase the ability of potatoes to be stored for a long time. Cured potatoes  can be stored for up to two months.

Do not dare to wash the potatoes with water until you need to use them for food. Washing round potatoes reduces their storage capacity.

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