Curcuma farming (Curcuma longa) I Mshindo Media


Binzari technically is Curcuma longa and in English it is  turmeric . The origin of sugarcane cultivation is in the Far East, and sugarcane is cultivated mostly in the regions of Tanga, Kagera, Kilimanjaro, Morogoro and Zanzibar. Binzari is used for meat, fish and other recipes to keep its yellow color. It is mostly used by eastern countries like India; European countries use very little.

Requirements and important factors in production

•  Weather
It grows well in areas with a temperature of 24-26 degrees Celsius and is produced in coastal areas.
•  Soil
Fertile and well-drained soil without stones or gravel. Rainfall requirements are 1200-2000 millimeters per year. Avoid standing water in the field. Irrigation can be done if the water is not enough. Beans do well when planted in an open area. Although it can also be mixed with other crops such as coconut. 
•  Seed selection
The seeds used in this country are still local. Large bulbs measuring 2.5 to 3 cm are used as seeds. An amount of 1.7 tons of cuttings is required per hectare. Onions to be planted should not be stored for more than one month before planting.

•  Planting space
Planting space is 15-25 cm between plant and plant and 25-30 cm between row and row or 45-60 cm between ridge and ridge.
•  Fertilizer requirements
The use of fertilizers here in Tanzania is not large in  the cultivation of herbs . Studies have shown that soybeans do not perform well on industrial fertilizers. Manure fertilizers can be used. An amount of two to three tons of manure per acre is sufficient.
Harvesting is done using hoes or forks. Beans are harvested when the leaves turn yellow or brown. Non-stemmed soybeans are harvested six months after planting and 18 to 21 months for mature soybeans depending on market demand.

A yield of 7 tons is obtained if the bean is planted alone. The yield decreases somewhat if soybean is planted in combination with other crops, for example a yield of 4.8 tons per hectare will be obtained if soybean is planted with coconut.
Before storing, beans should be boiled for 45 minutes to an hour to remove its earthy smell. Also boiling helps them dry together. Beans should be boiled  until a sharp stick can be easily pierced. Then they are washed and hung in the sun, it usually takes 10 to 15 days for them to dry to a moisture content of 5% to 10%. Beans can also be cut into small pieces to make drying easier. After that they are ready to be crushed or ground in spice grinders or stored as is.   

Insect and disease attacks

A major problem is mold disease caused by a parasite called  Colletotrichum spand  Glomerella cingulata
Symptoms are brown spots on the leaves that spread and then the leaf dries up. These diseases can be controlled by spraying fungicides like Dithane M-45 every two weeks.
The bean market is available locally and abroad. This crop is sold in Uganda, Kenya, England, Germany, the Middle East, etc. Beans can be sold fresh (immediately after harvesting), dried or ground according to and market demand.
Advice:  Farmers are advised to dry the beans carefully so as not to damage its quality.
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